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Cleanup for Paws Park Date *UPDATE

Due to unforseen weather last weekend the cleanup date for the park has been changed.

Here is the new date.

When – Saturday April 7tht from 9:00am – 12:00pm

What?  We are cleaning Paws Park to get it ready for the opening on April 8th

What’s needed?  Any able bodied person who would like to help.  Also if you have any rakes, shovels, gloves, etc.

Hope you are able to make it!
*Update – After the Cleanup, the Park will open at 12pm 🙂  Happy days for all the dogs that are waiting!

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Lost Dog – Beagle named “Champ”

Lost Dog – Please be on the lookout for –

Lost Dog

She ran off Saturday with another beagle.  That beagle was found on Warrensville Road near Mosteller Road around 9:30 am.  The owners live on E 973 Highway which is over the mountain from where the other beagle was found.  Champ has a white face and a red collar.  She is 10 years old and has a slight limp.  As far as I know, she has still not been found.  Owners number is (570) 410-4417 and name is Denise Frey.

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Paws Park Closes for the winter

The park will be closing January 2nd for the winter.  We will reopen the second week in April pending weather. We close so the ground will have a chance to rejuvenate during the cold, wet winter.


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Paws Park Mummers Day Trophy

Paws Park took 2nd place in the pet division for the Mummers Parade this past Saturday.  Thanks to all that came out too walk and support Paws Park!  Here is a picture of the trophy!  Ruff!


Image for Mummers Parade 2nd Place Trophy for pet division

Mummers Parade 2nd Place Trophy for pet division

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